Blog Anomalies
Having spent hours setting this up, I’m seeing some odd anomalies that may necessitate reinstalling everything. If that has to happen I’ll do it on the weekend. In the meantime, please sign any posts or comments in some way to give us an idea of who you are, as that doesn’t appear to happen by default. Thanks.
Notes from Conversations with Canada Post
Later today (Friday) I’ll post the notes I’ve made based on my conversations with Canada Post. I’ve just run out of time to do it right now.
However, in the meantime, if any of you have any information that could shed some light on this situation, please feel free to post. As it says in the instructions, if you have a box at the Airport Postal Outlet, you can log in and start posting using your box number as your user name and your postal code as your password. If this doesn’t work for you, you can register anyway, but your posts and comments won’t be available on the site right away. If you do decide to register because you’re having trouble logging in with your box number and postal code, just remember that you’ll have to pick a user name that isn’t a box number, as there are several hundred of those already registered.
Looking forward to hearing from some of you.
Letter from Canada Post
Below is the letter that at least some of the box holders at the APO received from Canada Post. I didn’t make a note of when this arrived, but I only check my mail box 2-3 times a month anyway, so since the letter is undated there’s no way for me to know exactly when it was delivered. However, I think it’s safe to say that it arrived sometime during April.
Even assuming that it arrived on April 1st, that’s only about 60 days of notice. I can’t find it now, but I thought I read something recently that said that Canada Post can terminate a service with 30 days of notice. (It’s not in the “Postal Boxes” chapter of the “Canada Postal Guide“, which is where I thought I remembered reading it.) So fair enough; it seems that in this case Canada Post provided twice as much notice as they were required to. Regardless of whether or not there is such a 30-day clause, the fact is that this decision appears to have been made for reasons that Canada Post is either unwilling or unable to communicate, and with absolutely no plan for what (if anything) is to take the place of the APO for the 400 or so people who, I believe, use it. I have tried to find out the reasoning behind the decision and I’ve tried to find out what their plan is, but neither piece of information has been forthcoming.

Letter from Canada Post, April 2009
Suggestions anyone?
What can we (or I) do to keep the Airport Postal Outlet, in some shape or form, open? Should we circulate one of those online petitions that so often invade our email? It has been interesting to note that in my conversations with one of the Canada Post managers, he has said that he has spent hours on the phone with customers wanting to know what is going to happen. I can believe that, as I alone have spent at least a couple of hours on the phone with him in recent weeks. (I’ll be posting details of these conversations shortly.) Clearly Canada Post are aware of the consternation they are causing here. This manager has said that he has passed the information up the line, but he and even his immediate supervisor are being kept in the dark. Who is keeping them in the dark I don’t know, because if I did I’d have talked to them by now.
Anyway, if you have some specific ideas about what action we can take in the next few days that would help the situation, please post your ideas in comments to this post. Thanks.
Campaign to stop Closures, Privatization and Deregulation at Canada Post
Does any one know anything about the CUPW Campaign to stop Closures, Privatization and Deregulation at Canada Post and whether or not it’s relevant to our situation? It’s not my plan to step into a union vs. management issue or privatisation vs. not debate here — CUPW’s mandate is clear and my only mandate at this point is to keep my address — but I haven’t had a chance to review this website to see if there could be useful information there that might help us.
Logging in
In case you happen to discover this website today (May 21st) before the official launch tomorrow, please be advised that I haven’t set up all box holders at the APO as users on the site yet, so you can’t log in. I’ll be doing that later today unless I decide to take a different approach… which is possible, but not likely.
Getting started
This post will serve to test the posting system and get things started. I’ll shortly be adding everything I’ve learnt about the situation to this website. I hope you’ll do the same.